Directed by Pietro Marcello
Pietro Marcello, one of contemporary cinema’s most versatile talents, follows up his dramatic breakthrough Martin Eden with this enchanting period fable. Shortly after World War I, veteran Raphaël (Raphaël Thiery) returns home from the frontlines a widower and father to an infant daughter. Raised in rural Normandy, the child Juliette (Juliette Jouan) grows into a headstrong young woman who dreams of greater possibilities. She seeks refuge in the nearby woods, where she meets a witch who promises scarlet sails will one day take her away from her village. Reckoning with her future and swept away by a rakish young pilot (Louis Garrel) who literally falls from the sky, Juliette never stops believing in the witch’s prophecy. Tracing Juliette’s journey throughout the 20 years of great invention between the world wars, Scarlet delicately weaves together music and fantasy, history and folklore, realist drama and ethereal romance, to craft a timeless story of a young woman’s emancipation.
"Expansive, visually adventurous. Filled with lyrical beauty... moments of magic and unexpected hope."
“Marcello is the real thing. Scarlet, his magical follow up to the breakthrough Martin Eden, is a fable infused with music, history and longing... that lingers in your mind long after.’’
“Transfixing. Its pleasures are as diverse and unexpected as a stroll through uncharted lands.”
"A tender, sumptuous fairy tale... one of contemporary cinema’s great magician-filmmakers."
“A kind of very modern throwback, mixing a certain kind of modern Italian style with the dream of French cinema of old.”
"Rapturous... pure moviemaking indulgence."
“A charming French language fable… recalls the work of Jacques Demy.”
“Rembrandt-esque... illustrated with a fierce and breathtaking beauty.”
“Gossamer-airy and enchanting… Marcello aces another high-end literary adaptation.”
“A tiny gem that evokes a feeling of gentle transcendence... leaves you love drunk and enraptured by journey’s end."
“A decade-spanning story of family, small town politics, and romance… recalls everything from Jean de Florette to The Princess Bride.”
“Marcello’s inventive direction whisks us away to a time and place that we experience as if we were actually there.”